I’m a mum of two pretty fab `Pilbara born & raised’ adult boys, Child Health Nurse (CHN), International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), latecomer to the joy of good coffee and proud business owner of Milk and Kindness Lactation and Breastfeeding services.

In my role as a CHN I have had the privilege of working with a diverse group of parents and their little ones from birth to school age. Parents all agree that this intense period in our lives is both a challenging and rewarding one and that adjusting to parenthood requires kindness, respect and non-judgemental support as we navigate through the many seasons of parenting.
Milk and Kindness was born from an overwhelming desire to ease new Mumma’s gently and respectfully into trusting their instincts (and bodies) and supporting them to move towards achieving their individual feeding goals.